For Your (Weekend) Consideration
This weekend, why don't you...send some snail mail?
DC, January 2016
This was a rough week. First, we lost David Bowie, or as I referred to him to my friend Bryan, beautiful unicorn of a genius, and then Alan Rickman. Both 69, both from cancer. It's a sad week.
To cheer you up, these moments from the Golden Globes are delightful. Who wrote those captions (because I'm obsessed with you)?
Related: Oscar nominations! I'm all in on Tom Hardy.
Esquire asked some awesome women what books everyone should read. Here are eighty.
An interesting article on the racial component of college athletes not being paid and who is truly making the money. Yee argues that the players themselves are the only ones who can make a change.
A dress for every fancy occasion.
I'll hopefully be checking out some of the new places that have popped up in the Shaw neighborhood this weekend. There's so many!
Happy weekend!
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