Currently Reading: Uglies

My friend Courtney has been on Hunger Games backlash, claiming that this series of books, starting with Uglies, is the original.  Not to say that I've been saying Hunger Games is the greatest story ever told, mind you.  I read all three HG books in about 5 days, right before the movie came out, simply because I needed to see what all the hype was (still haven't seen the movie, despite my Jennifer Lawrence obsession).  Uglies is a similar story; a girl in a future dystopian society is coerced by the corrupt government into going on a journey to either save or destroy her friend, but she doesn't know which.  I'm about halfway through and it's fine.  Note: I also thought Hunger Games was just fine.  It is enjoyable, I feel entertained, but neither of these book series will stay with me for very long after I finish them.  Maybe I'm too old for these?  I read most of my favorite Young Adult novels when I was still in elementary school, so reading YA books now feels a little bit inappropriate.  Anyway, I've got a pretty good idea of how the Uglies story will go, but I'll finish it (and most likely finish the other 3 books in the series) because I just can't help myself.     


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